How Solar Lights Help
When disaster strikes, families flee their home in search of a safer place. Often, that means an overcrowded space with no electricity.
Imagine this: When the night falls, you make sure all your children are nearby and kept safe. Because when the night falls, it’s so dark, that you can’t even see your own hand in front of your face.
Through the darkest times, solar lights are nothing less than a beacon of hope for families caught in a disaster.
They allow them to do basic things like move around, do their homework, and eat together as a family at the end of a long day.
When darkness falls, solar lights can allow families to rebuild a sense of normality and do things together again under the glow of a solar light.

Families rely on unsafe options like candles and kerosene lanterns. Solar lights are safer and cheaper.

Solar lights allow children to read, study, and do homework at home, after school hours.

Solar lights increase a sense of safety and allow families to find their way home in the dark.
Getting Life Back to Normal

Catherine was badly affected by Hurricane Irma, which tore off her roof, leaving her and her daughter scared and vulnerable.
Catherine’s family received a ShelterKit, solar lights, and water carriers to help them get back on track. Catherine explained that the solar lights were especially valuable to her and her daughter.
I charge it in the sunshine during the day and it makes a huge difference at night-time. It allows me to cook to safely collect water, and stay up after dark to get my life back to normal”
Catherine’s daughter adds
“It has really helped me. My mother uses it to read to me at night and it’s really helpful when I need to get into and out of bed to go to the bathroom.”
Why Light?

In the face of disaster, families often prioritise the three most basic human needs: water, food and shelter.
But without light, it can be extremely hard for families to satisfy these basic needs and start recovering. Light can allow them to start feeling normal again and do things together as a family after it gets dark.
An estimated 1.1 billion people around the world – or 14% of the global population – have no access to electricity (IEA, 2017). And that includes many families who have fled their homes after disaster.
Solar lights are a practical solution, allowing people to regain their livelihoods again. Have a look at some of the main benefits of solar lights for families caught up in disaster.
take a closer look

What makes our solar lights so practical for families to use?
Our solar lights are light, waterproof, and easy to recharge.
They even have an adjustable handle so that families can hang it inside a tent, or outside during the day, to charge.
Because they are so safe, cheap and easy to use, families use solar lights in different ways – for work, education, family activities, or simply moving around at night.
Are the solar lights environmentally friendly?
Yes – the solar lights are 100% PVC free and made out of environmentally friendly and weather-resistant materials.
How long can a family use a solar light for?
A family can use a solar light for up to 3 years.