The Refugee Journey
Part Two
This series will take you on the journey of a refugee – from the decision to leave, the journey to safety, arriving at camp, and starting life over again. Everyone’s story is different and this journey is told from the perspective of 5 different families, all now living in Minawao camp Cameroon.
Part One: Leaving Home Part Two: The Journey Part Three: Arriving
Part Two: The Journey
Esther’s family was killed when Boko Haram attacked her village.
They told her to run or they would kill her as well.
Unfortunately, Esther’s situation is not uncommon in this part of the world. As she escaped her village, she met many other girls who were in the same situation, and together they all ran from what was once their home.
Minawao camp in Cameroon is approximately 350km from the Nigeria-Cameroon border. This is a long journey for anyone to take on foot. But for many, this is their best chance of survival.

For Esther and her travelling partners, there was much fear and sorrow accompanying them on their journey. There was so much trauma felt the day the Boko Haram came to their village.
As the group of girls approached the border into Cameroon, they were approached by the police.
I was afraid when they called us. I had the memory of what happened to my family and I thought they would kill us.
The trek to a refugee camp is physically exhausting, but it can also be emotionally exhausting to leave everything you know behind and travel to an unknown place all because of atrocities that have taken place in your home.