Heavy Rains Cause Severe Flooding

Since March, torrential rains have been falling across Paraguay causing the overflow of the Paraguay River. Severe flooding has displaced thousands.
The climate pattern El NiƱo is linked to the high amount of rain that has fallen across the country. Thousands of families have been forced from their homes to move to higher grounds and away from overflowing rivers.
20,000 people were evacuated from their homes while many more were displaced or self-evacuated. Approximately 70,000 people have been affected by these heavy rains and rising waters.
The government in Paraguay has tried to help families by providing them with plastic sheeting and plywood. However, a lack of training and exposure to the elements means many of these temporary shelters are degrading and are unsuitable for families.
Recovery Begins - ShelterBox aid in action

Working alongside our partners Habitat for Humanity, ShelterBox response teams have delivered essential aid to 3000 families in Asuncion, Paraguay.
Distributions are complete, and this means that families can begin the process of self-recovery.
Families received ShelterKits to help them build sturdy shelters, mosquito nets to protect them from deadly disease, and solar lights to help families move around when there’s no electricity. Paraguay is also in it’s cold season right now and families have received both cotton and thermal blankets to help keep them warm.
Road to Recovery for Cecilio

Cecilio said he was please to collect the aid items from ShelterBox. The aid and the training he received gave him the motivation to return to his original home and begin repairs on his property.
I paid close attention during the training to ensure that I could make the appropriate repairs to my home”
Read more about Cecilio’s story of recovery
A New Home for Cecilio