Milagro is a single mother of three children between the ages of 3 and 11. Her daughter suffers from sickle cell anaemia, which is a serious health condition.
Milagro and her children live in the Dominican Republic, which was hit badly by Hurricane Maria. Their experience of the hurricane was terrifying. Milagro shared:
‘The wind removed the roof of my house. The river washed through it from one side, and sea rose up from the other, bringing a boat crashing against the back wall, causing a floor-to-ceiling crack in the concrete.’
To help with the devastating damage, ShelterBox provided Milagro and other families with ShelterKits, which can be used to repair damaged buildings or to build temporary shelters.
Milagro and her community also received training so that they could learn about the different items and explore different techniques for using them. They used the ShelterKit to repair Milagro’s roof.
From the training Milagro said:
I’ve learnt so much. Now I know how to repair my house myself, I am planning to repair the roof in the other rooms as well.’