
How Has Our Disaster Response Work Changed During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

by ShelterBox Canada June 30, 2020

How do you get aid to the people who need it without endangering anyone and when most countries are on some kind of lockdown and large gatherings are banned?


How Has Lockdown and Social Distancing Changed How We Listen to Feedback?

by ShelterBox Canada June 4, 2020

How do we check that what we’ve done is effective when you can’t easily go back to ask people because most countries are on lockdown and physical distancing is the new normal?


Canyon Lister students vow to “Be the Change”

by Heather Stevens May 13, 2020

A passionate group of students from Canyon Lister Elementary School raises funds for ShelterBox Canada as a way to practice the belief that we hold each other up.


Six Reasons Why We Love Giving Tuesday

by ShelterBox Canada May 1, 2020

Inspiration from some of our global network of aid workers, volunteers and fundraisers supporting ShelterBox through the coronavirus crisis.


Coronavirus: It’s not over until it’s over everywhere

by ShelterBox Canada April 16, 2020

This global pandemic is changing all our lives. It’s our duty as humanitarians to help those least able to protect themselves.


‘Kunyumba’ – A story of home and recovery after Cyclone Idai

by ShelterBox Canada March 5, 2020

Joined by renowned photographer, Sian Davey, and filmmaker Benn Berkley, we documented Mwalija village’s journey of self-recovery in a project we called ‘Kunyumba’ (meaning ‘home’).

ShelterBox CEO Interview


An Interview With Our CEO, Sanj Srikanthan

by ShelterBox Canada January 3, 2020

Hear from ShelterBox CEO – Sanj Srikanthan, who joined in December 2019 as our new chief executive.