Meet the Team

ShelterBox executive team, board and Royal Patron

We are impatient to see a world where no family is left without shelter when disaster strikes.  

Our executive team and trustees share our determination and have all pledged to help make this happen.


Chris Warham


Chris is an entrepreneur who has set up and run a number of businesses in the UK and overseas. Most recently he was chief operating officer of a large group of PR, marketing and communications businesses with operations in the UK, Germany, the USA and Singapore.

‘I have looked into the eyes of mothers in refugee camps. I have stood with a father and his children as he looked at the ruins of his home. I am impatient for us to have the funds to help more people like this than ever before. I am impatient for us to find even more effective ways of meeting their needs. I am proud of what we do. I am passionate about what we do but I am impatient for us to do three times as much and achieve our potential.’

Michael Johns


Michael is a specialist in chartered accountancy. He has held positions in a number of leading global accounting firms, as well as being a partner in a local firm of accountants.

‘I am impatient to ensure that we always use our donors’ money effectively and efficiently to help those who need it most – connecting those who want to help with those who need our support.’

Richard Lee


Richard has a long history of working in the voluntary sector with organisations such as Oxfam, Macmillan and Shelter working to drive income, create exciting partnerships and raise awareness to support growth and reach more people in need of support.

‘I am impatient to make sure that ShelterBox is there for every person who needs us, for the people who have lost more than most of us can ever imagine losing. We must give them the support they need to start again, to face the losses and challenges, and to triumph over disaster.’

Darren Moss


Darren is a specialist in engineering and supply chain management. As a consultant, he has overseen major projects for FTSE 100 organisations.

‘I am impatient to ensure that ShelterBox truly understands the need of the family during the emergency phase of the disaster – to be there at the right time and to enable that family not just to be sheltered but to ensure that they are supported on the path to recovery. This impatience extends to everything we do, from building professional foundations that will enable us to expand, through to developing our talented and passionate staff and volunteers.’

Stephen Branfield


Prior to his role at ShelterBox, Stephen was a partner in Foot Anstey Solicitors specialising in company and commercial work. He provides legal advice to all departments within the organisation as well as the board of trustees.

‘I work for ShelterBox because I believe it can make a truly meaningful contribution towards relieving the distress of those unfortunate enough to have been afflicted by disaster.’


Dr Rob John OBE FREng


Rob is a specialist in materials engineering, research and business development. He retired as CEO of the renowned research and engineering institute TWI.

‘As the Asian Tsunami unfolded on Boxing Day 2004, I watched with horror to see that families, just like mine, could go from celebration to devastation in just one day. But, I saw how ShelterBox could supply all of the essentials to help people after disaster strikes and I made a promise there and then to use my skills to help this inspirational charity to grow. My passion is shared by ShelterBox staff, volunteers and supporters from all over the world. The equipment is only part of the story – the people make all the difference.’

Lydia Poole


Lydia is a specialist in humanitarian policy and provides consultancy for governments, UN agencies, international non-government organisations and research institutes.

‘With the world facing an unprecedented level of humanitarian needs, and a future increasing exposed to the risk of disaster, the need for rapid and effective disaster response has never been more critical. I joined ShelterBox as a trustee in 2015 and am committed to supporting the dynamic and dedicated ShelterBox team to adapt and prepare for meeting the needs of crisis-affected people in an increasingly complex and risky world.’

Bill Decker


Bill is a specialist in branding, strategy and risk and consultancy who has also previously held roles in government relations. He is the co-founder of The Hub, a meeting and events space, based in Philadelphia.

‘I am impatient for ShelterBox to possess the resources that will enable it to have a deeper, more meaningful and positive effect on the millions of displaced persons who require shelter in the wake of natural or manmade disasters every day.’

Robin Bayford


Robin is a specialist in chartered accountancy. He has worked within a range of organisations, from investment management and financial planning firms to market research firms.

‘I joined ShelterBox as honorary treasurer to bring financial expertise to the board of trustees. I am passionate to ensure that donors money is well and wisely spent.’

Richard Bland


Richard has a background in commercial strategy and strategy consultancy. He has held a variety of poisitions at Virgin Media, including leading the commercial strategy team and running the sales and marketing function for Virgin Mobile, and is currently the CEO of a private hospital group.

‘In our frantic day to day to lives, whether at work, at home or out and about, we’re all impatient. Impatient for the traffic lights to change. Impatient for the self scan checkout to work. Impatient for someone to turn up to your meeting. When you’re talking to someone who has lost their home, with their family all around them – all these things seem ridiculous. That’s when I feel impatient. At that moment, every minute waiting really means something.’

James Vaughan


James has held a number of roles at the RNLI, including the post of fundraising and communications director, before becoming international director of the charity.

‘I was attracted to ShelterBox by the extraordinarily simple concept of ensuring that displaced people around the world can regain hope through effective shelter. My pledge is to volunteer whatever time I can to help an amazing team of people achieve this aim.’

James Sinclair Taylor


James is a senior partner at Russell-Cooke Solicitors LLP and head of the organisation’s charity and social enterprise team.

‘Disasters are sudden, terrible and unexpected. I am passionate about ShelterBox’s ability to go all out to respond to those disasters. Going all out, both to get shelter to those in the open, and to gather the supporting funds necessary to make this response.’


HRH The Duchess of Cornwall is our president.

The Duchess and The Prince of Wales were first introduced to ShelterBox in 2006. While on an official visit to Pakistan, they learnt about our work supporting families who had lost their homes in the Kashmiri earthquake. Her Royal Highness has been a keen supporter of our work ever since.


ShelterBox is a registered charity; charity number 1096479 and it also operates as a company limited by guarantee, company number 04612652.

ShelterBox’s ultimate decision making authority is its board of trustees, which has full legal responsibility for running of the charity. The trustees act as the directors of the company for the purposes of the Companies Act 2006. Trustees are appointed in light of their commitment to ShelterBox and their experience and skills which enable them to undertake the responsibilities of trusteeship of a large and complex charity.

The board meets at least four times a year and designated members of the executive team attend these meetings as non-voting observers to advise and inform the board.

The board has a number of committees that can also include senior staff members, co-opted individuals and consultants as well as trustees. These committees have specific areas of responsibilities and will provide recommendations within their specified areas for board consideration and approval:

  • Audit, risk and compliance
  • Finance and fundraising
  • Governance
  • Human resources

ShelterBox recognises the responsibilities placed by law on a charity trustee and provides a full programme of induction training in all appropriate matters. This includes governance and compliance for all new trustees, as well as refresher training for existing trustees in order to keep them up-to-date with current legislation. The board utilises a number of training providers including the services of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) and their publicised training material. Board members have attended the last two NCVO Trustee conferences in London.

Annual report 2012

At one time in 2012, we were responding to seven disasters simultaneously for the first time in the charity’s history –
download report (PDF, 6MB)

Annual report 2013

In this year, conflict in Syria continued to grow, and Typhoon Haiyan devastated the Philippines, leaving millions without homes –
download report (PDF, 2.7MB)

Annual report 2014

2014 was dominated by our response to Typhoon Haiyan, but we also helped communities after 27 other disasters –
download report (PDF, 18MB)

Annual report 2015

In 2015, we supported almost 30,000 families in situations as varied as Nepal, Syria and Vanuatu –
download report (PDF, 2MB)