How cash assistance helps communities recover
Find out how we support people after disaster with cash assistance to help communities rebuild and recover.

Blog, Uncategorised
ShelterBox and Rotary’s Lifesaving Response to Hurricane Beryl
Discover how ShelterBox and Rotary worked together to support Caribbean islanders after Hurricane Beryl

Look behind the scenes of our storytelling workshops in Cameroon
Amy Griffin, a ShelterBox Brand and Content Producer, shares a behind the scenes look at our Cameroon Ethical Storytelling project.

Act for Humanity: How ShelterBox partners face the dangers of being humanitarians
Learn about some of the crises around the world where ShelterBox is working, and the people they have impacted.

Yinka Babalola on ShelterBox and Rotary’s partnership
Learn about some of the crises around the world where ShelterBox is working, and the people they have impacted.

Voices of the forgotten crises
Learn about some of the crises around the world where ShelterBox is working, and the people they have impacted.

Looking Beyond the Box: Our flexible approach to shelter aid
Learn more about ShelterBox’s flexible approach to shelter aid to ensure we bring the aid that people need when they need it.

Stories of Courageous women for International Women’s Day
To mark International Women’s Day discover the stories of some of the courageous women ShelterBox has supported.

Our partnership with Rotary in Morocco
Learn more about how ShelterBox responded to the devastating earthquake in Morocco, and the important part that Rotary played.

How we decide when to respond

The Importance of Pre-Positioned Aid
When disaster strikes, every second counts. That’s why our pre-positioned aid makes such a huge impact, because we can get there even faster by being prepared.

5 reasons why disasters are not ‘natural’
The term ‘natural disasters’ is commonly used – but disasters are not natural. Here are five reasons why.

Giving Tuesday: A Day for Giving Back
Learn more about the history of Giving Tuesday, how it makes a greater impact around the world, and what your support will mean for families affected by disaster.

World Humanitarian Day 2022
Discover everything you need to know about World Humanitarian Day and meet four real-life humanitarians.

Crisis in the Horn of Africa: Why we must act now
The Horn of Africa is experiencing the worst drought in over 40 years. Learn more about this crisis and how shelter can make an impact.

Evolution of our solar light
Read how we listened to communities to adapt our solar lights.

The plastic problem: our commitment to do better
Read how ShelterBox is committed to reducing unnecessary single-use plastic from our aid packaging.

We Put Families First, Be We Do Not Seek To Hold One Definition of What a Family Is
As Pride month begins and we celebrate and honour those before us who tirelessly fought for the rights and freedoms of the 2SLGBTQI+ community, it is important to recognize the many struggles still faced by many in the community around the world.

Preparing for a very busy Hurricane season
The 2022 Atlantic Basin hurricane season is more active than usual, with more powerful named storms than average since the start of the season. Read how we’re preparing.

Blog, Philippines
How ShelterBox helped 100,000 people after Typhoon Rai
See how we worked with partners to reach 20,000 families after Typhoon Rai.