Rebuilding after Mangkhut

Ricardo's Rebuilding

Ricardo lives with his wife in Gonzago Philippines. Ricardo ishas struggled with his health since having a stroke 25 years ago, and his wife is partially blind.

The couple was aware of the impending storm a few days before it struck thanks to local Barangay officials. Ricardo says that typhoons have passed through the region before but have never caused any damage to their home.

Ricardo and his wife stayed with relatives while the storm passed through the region.


Ricardo and his wife returned home to discover that it had been destroyed. They lost everything except the clothes they carried with them.

ShelterBox Response Teams quickly assessed damage in the region and Ricardo received a ShelterKit within one week.

Ricardo says the ShelterKit was one of the most important aid items he and his wife received. It has provided them with a safe place to stay while they rebuild.

Additionally, he is thankful for the solar-powered lights. Electricity was down in his area for over a month and even when the power returned, the lights allowed Ricardo to save money while rebuilding.

Ricardo and his wife have a clear plan to rebuild a stronger house than they had before.

Using the ShelterKit and materials recycled from his old house Ricardo has begun to rebuild. The tarpaulins are a fundamental part of this new structure. With the help of relatives and the local community, Ricardo and his wife are able to stay on their land and create a new home. Without this, they would have had to move in with relatives.

Thanks to our supporters ShelterBox Response Teams were able to get on the ground quickly and were able to assess damage and get aid to families like Ricardo’s as fast as possible!