Honour someone special in your life with a ShelterBox Global Gift!
Show your love and appreciation for a special mother-figure in your life while impacting the lives of mothers and their families as they recover from disaster and conflict.
This Mother’s Day, women around the world are living without a home, without clean water, without many basic necessities. You can provide women in disaster the gift of shelter, safe drinking water, and much more.
This Mother’s Day, honour someone special in your life by paying it forward to help a brave mother in need.
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How Do We Support Women In Crisis
At ShelterBox, we prioritize the most vulnerable families and communities and empower them to rebuild and restart.
By providing women and families with immediate emergency aid we can help them recover faster. Rebuilding their homes, caring for their families, resuming their livelihoods. Together, we can help families return to normal by providing women with the tools and training they need. Together we can empower women after disaster.
[InlineButton link=”/aid” title=”Learn More About Our Aid”]
Donate today in honour of someone special!
You’ll receive a personalized card to show your love and appreciation while paying it forward to a mother after disaster.
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