In late October, a series of three powerful earthquakes shook Mindanao island, destroying homes and collapsing buildings.
Around 21,000 homes were turned to rubble, and an additional 7,000 homes are severely damaged. Thousands have fled to evacuation centre.
Many families have been staying in makeshift shelters and are not expected to be able to return to their home sites for at least six months.
How We're Helping
Teams have been in the Philippines working hard to support families.
On the ground, ShelterBox teams have been working closely with Rotary and the local government to provide life-changing aid to those who need it most.
Teams are distributing ShelterKits, corrugated iron sheeting, tarpaulins, and rope. These tools will enable families to build shelters, regain their privacy, and begin the process of self-recovery.
Distributions are officially complete in the Philippines.
1,500 families, whose homes were destroyed or seriously damaged, have received ShelterBox aid.
Thanks to our supporters these families have received training and tools to help recover from this disaster.
ShelterBox has responded to disasters in the Philippines over 25 times since 2004. Storms, typhoons, floods, cyclones, and earthquakes have left many families in various parts of the country without a home. Your support has enabled ShelterBox to continue to help these families.